Posts tagged meditation
New Beginnings

Awww.... We are rolling into a fresh, shiny new year (1-1-11); even the numbers suggest a magical time to be alive! I am so grateful for the reminder that each day is a new beginning and so blessed for all the new like-minded souls that came into my life in Joshua Tree this weekend during a meditation retreat. I appreciate and welcome your participation in this creative collaboration inspired by gratitude! It is such a joy to really know that everything is possible!

Grateful at 46

Chele MckeeBig gratitude was born at a new years meditation retreat,   I was invited to look back on the last year and become aware of all that was made available to realize everything that I had begun the year with no idea or awareness many amazing things happened that it surprised me I had not really thought about it that way before.It made me realize that the state of "counting your blessings /expressing gratitude" is a sweet place to live. This  is the reflection of what I am most grateful for anticipated it was a  powerful experience to really get clear and express how fabulous my life is RIGHT NOW..... Proved once again to me that it's really not the big things...fat bank accounts, loads of stuff,  etc...its really about being who you are, having faith that the universe is unfolding as it should  and appreciating the sweet moments in our everyday lives... grateful at 46